Get to Know the 2020-2021 Officer Candidates

Get to know your candidates for the Student Body and Senior Officers for the 2020-2021 school year and cast your votes here starting April 28.

Voting for the candidates ran from April 28 to April 29 noon to 4 p.m. each day.

Students are voting for officers to serve during the 2020-21 school year. As such, current juniors will be able to vote for senior class officers. For junior, sophomore, and freshman officers, elections will be held at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. More information will be released closer to time. Because Student Body Officers make decisions based on all voices of Timber Creek,  all class levels are encouraged to vote for Student Body Officers.

Current Timber Creek seniors will not be able to vote for next year’s class officers as they are graduating May 2020.

Voting is limited to one vote per Student ID. Student IDs will be used to validate the grade level and logged to votes. Anyone found attempting to tamper with voting may have their votes invalidated and could receive additional consequences. The form for voting will appear within this article when voting is open.

Voting has completed. Thank you for casting your votes!

Campaign & Video Statements from Student Body Officer Candidates

Note: These statements are reprinted as written. No adjustments other than basic formatting have been applied. Additionally, these videos are unedited.

Sudheshna Khadka

Hi! I’m Su, and I hope you will consider me to serve again as a student body officer next year. My intention is to simply spread positivity and unity within our school- while maintaining an enjoyable, inclusive, and overall strong atmosphere. I’ve held numerous leadership positions in my past, the most recent include being your Student Body Parliamentarian and Impact Club president, both of which have given me invaluable communication, collaboration, and social skills as well as a chance to fight my weak spots.  Student leaders are often thought of as bold, even brash, because it is often so much easier to be a follower.. to sit back and just enjoy the ride of high school. However a bit of spark and passion for our school can go a long way, and I’ve seen that first hand this past year as I’ve worked with some of them. For this reason, I would like to state that there is no idea or task too big that I will not attempt to accomplish for you all. That said, I’m still human, and make mistakes- like many of you- but hey, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right? Deep in my heart, I know that we all have the capability to be #falconstrong.

Zoe Mukendi

My name is Zoe Mukendi; I will be a junior next year and I’m running for a Student Body Officer position. I am a great leader who is always learning and growing and I’m determined and ready to not only represent the Student Council, but the Student Body as well. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to run and if you vote for me, you won’t be disappointed!

Hannah Ongmanchi

Hi! My name is Hannah Ongmanchi and I’m running to be a Student Body Officer. We might not have met before, and that’s okay! Timber Creek is a huge school with a huge amount of students, and I want to help make TCHS an environment where everyone is proud to be a part of the falcon family.

Ishaan Patel

My past experiences such as being a Junior class representative and attending student council events has given me amazing ideas from different schools across our area to implement at our school. If you elect me, I hope to accomplish these goals in the 2020-2021 school year!

Shovani Shrestha

As a student body officer, not only will I bring unique ideas to the table, but I will also transform my ideas into actions. Being in student council has given me the opportunity to care for and serve my school. This past year, I’ve dedicated over 20 hours of service to StuCo, and I’ve also been a freshman class representative on the executive board. This position has given me a lot of experience that will help me as a student body officer. Along with experience, I also have the qualities that it takes to be a strong leader. I’m reliable, hardworking, and am able to handle different situations in a thoughtful and professional manner. I’m also approachable and can easily communicate with others. But above all else, I’m passionate about bettering our community and have the best interests of our students and staff in mind, so I hope you’ll give me your vote for student body officer!

Khyra White

For those of you that don’t know me, I’m currently a junior at Timber Creek. I participate in various clubs and organizations including choir, student council, law club, and NHS. I do lots of volunteering, mostly for the TCHS Athletics Booster Club, but also for Community Storehouse and Carter Bloodcare. Later in life, I hope to work in the FBI, help as many people as possible and utilize the leadership skills that student council has helped me build to get there.

Campaign & Video Statements from Senior Class Officer Candidates

Note: These statements are reprinted as written. No adjustments other than basic formatting have been applied. Additionally, these videos are unedited.

Arianna Esparza

What do you look forward to the most for your final year of high school ? Going to senior prom, Senior sunrise, homecoming or even going to all the football games with all your friends. My name is Arianna Esparza , I am very passionate and sociable I care about your interests and ideas. I want to make 2020 – 2021 the most exciting school year ever , I want to make class of 2021 remember senior year as the best year of high school.

Kayla Luangsouphom

Hi, I’m Kayla Luangsouphom and I’m running for senior class officer. All I can promise you is that with your vote, we can work together to make our final year of high school worth it. Because prom is a huge thing in a senior’s high school journey, I want to make sure that prom is catered to everyone’s liking. I will put in my time and effort to raise funds that we can use for the event as well as other class activities. I will also advocate for everyone’s needs and ideas about improving their senior experience. I know how memorable high school can be, especially your senior year. So why not come together and make it our best! As an officer and an incoming senior, I promise to give you the senior experience that is memorable and long lasting. In addition, I want to improve communication so seniors can know all the details of spirit nights, class events, and etc. I believe I have all the qualities to accomplish these responsibilities. I’m a friendly person and easily approachable. In addition, I’m organized and dependable if anyone needs me. Lastly, I’m willing to take initiative for who I represent: you. So with your vote, we can make this happen! Vote for Kayla because I know I’m the perfect match-a for senior class officer! Thank you and stay healthy!

Nabeela Mariha

Hi, my name is Nabeela Mariha and I’m running for senior class office for the class of 2021! I’ve been in student council since my freshman year and a class officer since my sophomore year. I’m fully dedicated to making sure that the class of 2021 has an amazing senior year and with your help I hope to do just that. I hope you’ll consider me to serve the class of 2021 this upcoming school year!

Grace Park

Hello my name is Grace Park, and I am in 11th grade. I would like to run for Senior Class Officer for the year 2020-2021 because it will allow me to spend my last year in high school working on projects for my grade. I am excited to be working on these projects because not only will I be able to plan them but I will also be able to attend some of them. I hope that with this experience, I will become more adapted to an environment where people are able to count on me to get the job done! Thank you so much for your time!

Delaney Ross

Hi! My name is Delaney Ross and I am running for senior class officer this year. I want to further my leadership skills, and would be happy to take any position. My goal is to make next year memorable, and lead my class to an amazing senior year! Thank you:)

Brooke Rowland

Hello, my name is Brooke Rowland! I am running for Senior Class Officer. I have served as a class officer for the Class of 2021 since freshman year. I would love if y’all would vote for me to continue being an officer, and I’m excited to see what our senior year holds! Thank you! 💜

David Vincelli

What I want the students at timber creek high school to know about me is that I truly care for them and I want them to know that I will fight my hardest for my ideas that i have came up with to come alive . My reason for me running was because I believe that timber creek high school is a great school that is always willing to hear the ideas of their students. But I want timber creek to embrace every student that is at timber creek high school. I want to make sure that students come to timber creek high school and have so much excitement on their face knowing when they walk through the doors at timber creek they are embraced and loved. I did not mention this in my video but I want timber creek high school to start honoring not just students in their academic excellence but honoring the ones who step up to be leaders. It is important to have leaders especially in a time like these because not many people will be bold and become a leader and positive role models and help bring a change in their community. I saw this when I was at Trinity high school’s graduation last year where they did not just honor the top ten people but they honored the senior class officers and student council officers at their graduation. It’s time that Timber Creek high school become a school of change and will hear the voices of their students.


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