May Advances to Women’s Soccer Head Coach

Before spring break, former Women’s Soccer head coach, Michael King, left his position. Former varsity assistant coach, Taylor May, announced that she will be the new head coach of the program. After working under King for six years, May will bring a sense of familiarity to the team, with her own coaching flair.

“I am excited for the challenge and the new responsibility that I hold,” May said. “I am very proud of the girls that we have in the program and know that many of them will grow and help us out in the years to come.”

Hiring a new coach means that the program itself will change. Under May, it seems like the program will move to a new positive. “There are some things that I will be switching up for our program. I want the program to be more unified as a whole and not divided by team level.”

This means new workouts and drills that will prepare all athletes for all situations. “For varsity specifically, we will begin workouts a little differently at the beginning of the year focusing a lot on specific skills and fitness to prepare us for the season,” May said.

Before the soccer season was cut short due to COVID-19, the team worked hard in their final push for the playoffs.

Explaining her goals for the next season, May said, “Unfortunately we were cut short this year on making our push to solidify a playoff spot with the season being cancelled two games short. I am very hopeful for what we will be able to accomplish next year.”

With six years of coaching with King under her belt, May was able to learn a lot. “Truly, he let me grow into the coach I was meant to be without setting boundaries or limitations on my growth an assistant, which I think has made me ready to be a head coach.”

How will promoting a new coach affect players? “I think it should be an easy transition for the girls since I have been with them,” May said, “They know my expectations are high and that I will push them to be their best everyday.”

Three year veteran and upcoming senior, Ashlyn Brakemeier – a Junior who missed her season due to injury – explained her excitement with May as the new head coach. “She loves everyone on the team as though we are her own daughters, so the relationship she has with us is amazing and I think that really helps us have trust in her, know that she is always there for us and is wanting the best for us.”

Brakemeier also said that one of her strengths as a coach is that “she always expects us to have a good mindset and work hard. She knows what we are capable of as players and [as a] team, and she doesn’t settle for us playing less than that.”

May’s advice to her players is that they “Come prepared, because we have work to do. We are going to exceed expectations and show how great our program can be!”

The team hopes to establish themselves as a force to be reckoned with next winter.

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