Officers Create Class of 2020 Tributes and Organize Ways to “Adopt a Senior”

Timber Creek’s Senior class officers have been making Senior Tributes to recognize all of the Timber Creek Seniors for the end of the year.

Each tribute has the Seniors name, picture and future plans for Fall of 2020. The tributes have been getting very positive feedback from both students and parents. Each tribute takes the senior class officers about 30 to 45 minutes to make. The Senior Class Officers want all seniors to feel special and recognized, even if they aren’t in an organization. The tributes have been shared throughout so many social media platforms including Instagram and Facebook.

The officers have made over 150 tributes so far. Attached is the link to the Photo album of tributes:…

With the idea of the tributes, the senior class officers decided to follow along with the idea that many other schools are doing for their seniors to be recognized. This project is called ” Adopt a Timber Creek Senior 2020” the project is taking place on Facebook and there are over 700+ members who are apart of this project helping seniors feel special during this time.

The goal of this project is to make sure that every senior has a good ending to the year considering the circumstances for the whole class right now. The goal is to get all 780 seniors adopted. If you would like to join and help this great project, join the Facebook page “Adopt a Timber Creek Senior 2020”. Anyone can adopt, teacher, parents, family friends, etc.

Please support these seniors during this time as it is supposed to be the most memorable times of theirs lives.