Grammy-Winning Singer Joins TCHS as Assistant Choir Director

Alissa Suver, a professional, award winning soloist and choral singer joined the Falcon Family as Timber Creek’s new Assistant Choir Director. She teaches junior varsity choirs as well as show choir. Suver has been teaching music for four years in both high school and middles school starting in Ohio and Tennessee. 

She says she moves around constantly for her profession as she looks to audition for different choirs. From a young age, she always enjoyed music and saw her future in music as her parents were both music teachers.

”I had spent my entire childhood in rehearsals,” she explained. “I just got to the end of high school and I just couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

As a professional choral singer, Suver has won numerous awards, but her most recognizable is a Grammy awarded to a choir she was performing with.

Suver decided to bring her talents for choral music as a director for the JV choirs and Show Choir in the 2020-2021 school year. So far, students say she has made a huge impact on the program and the students involved within the first few weeks of the school year.

“I think Mrs. Suver is a great addition to the choir,” sophomore Lara Anderson said. “She and Mr. [Adrian] Kirtley work so well together, and she is an extremely talented singer which really helps students when it comes to learning new music.”

This feeling is the same all around for the students; freshmen especially are enjoying the new teacher.

”She is doing amazing, right now is a stressful time with having to sing with masks and schedules getting changed, but she strives to make kids better people and singers,” freshman Devin Bingham said.

Along with teaching students music, Mrs. Suver has helped develop a graphic seal for choir as well as new ways to fundraise for the program. As the year continues forward, Mrs. Suver is bound to impress the Falcon Family even more so.


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