Voter Registration Deadline Oct. 5

Voter registration for the Federal Election ends Oct. 5. Registration done through mail must be postmarked by Oct. 5 as well. Early voting will open Oct. 13 and will last until Oct. 30. The final election day is Nov. 3 where voters will cast their ballot for the President, Vice President, 1/3 of the senate, all of the House of Representatives, as well as many state and local representatives.

There are two ways that Texans can register to vote. They can contact or visit a local registration office, or complete a Secretary of State (SOS) registration application, print it out, sign it, and mail it directly to their county election office. Unfortunately, the state of Texas doesn’t currently provide online registration.

Although citizens have to be 18 when they cast their vote, those who are at least 17 years and 10 months old by the deadline can still register. Other common things that can prevent citizens from being able to vote include; being convicted of a felony without having fully discharged punishment or being declared mentally incompetent by a court of law. To find out more about restoring voter rights click here.

To learn more about voting and registration visit or

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