UPDATE: Everything You Need to Know About Oct. 14 PSAT/SAT Testing

Timber Creek will be hosting PSAT and SAT testing on Oct. 14, 2020 and there’s a LOT of things you’ll want to know about for this unique school day — including if you have to show up at all.

In a letter sent to all TCHS families on Oct. 6, Assessment Assistant Principal Helene Kilianski detailed many important details and included testing room assignments. But if you didn’t get the e-mail (or haven’t checked your e-mail…), we’ve got all those details here as well, sorted in a little different way.

Who’s Testing?

All TCHS Sophomores and Juniors, as well as Freshmen who registered and paid will take the PSAT test. Seniors that registered for the SAT will take that test. This includes all in-person, hybrid AND remote learners. Both tests will only be administered in person. All remote learners are invited to TCHS for the tests on Oct. 14.

“We understand that some families will choose to keep remote students at home and not participate in the test, and we understand and respect this decision,” Kilianski said.

If you’re testing, you’ll find your room assignments right below this line.

UPDATE: New Assignments listed as of Oct. 13, 2020.


NOTE: You might need to sign in with your Keller ISD e-mail address to view this document. It’s sorted by Keller ISD Student ID. If you’re on a computer, a quick CRTL+F might help you find your ID faster.

What else is happening Oct. 14?

Not much. All remote and in-person classes are cancelled for Oct. 14, including KCAL courses. So, wait…if you’re not testing, you don’t have to come to school? YES, that’s correct. However, you will still need to do something….

“Remote and in-person students who are not participating in the PSAT or SAT will be sent instructions to complete an activity at home for school that day,” the letter states. “Once completed, it will allow students to be counted present for the day. Failure to complete this activity will result in the student being counted absent”

Remote and In-Person Seniors, if you are not at school taking the SAT today, please view the video at the link below and complete the Google Form to be counted present for today.


Remote and In-Person Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors, if you are not at school taking the PSAT today, please view the video at the link below and complete the Google Form to be counted present for today.


Okay, what do I need to know for testing?

All students taking the PSAT and SAT must report to their testing rooms at TCHS by 8:30 a.m. Again, check the link above for the testing room.

Each student is expected to bring a pencil. Calculators are allowed on one of the math sections for PSAT and SAT, but students must bring one to use. TCHS will
not provide calculators. Food and drinks are not allowed during testing, so please encourage your student to come to school well rested and well nourished. Snacks are encouraged during breaks since lunch is not allowed until the completion of the PSAT or SAT. Sack lunches will be available for students after testing.

Electronic devices will need to be powered down and will be collected during testing. That includes phones, watches, AirPods, FitBits, Google Glasses, and any cybernetics installed. (We’re kidding on the cybernetics part.)

Now here’s where things get different.

All students will be dismissed from school for the remainder of the day at the conclusion of the PSAT and SAT. This will occur between 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. Buses will run at their regularly scheduled times, so students will need to find an alternate way to get home or wait on campus in the Cafeteria until the 4 p.m. dismissal time.

Let’s dig in — YES, when testing rooms are dismissed, YOU CAN GO HOME. However, if you need a bus ride, they won’t be here until 4 p.m.

Anything else to know?

If there are any updates, other questions posed, etc. we will be updating this article if needed.

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