EYNTKA Yearbooks, Pictures and Senior Tributes

Yearbooks are a tradition that students can keep with them for a lifetime. They consist of over 400 full color pages of portraits, action shots, candid photos, lists of club members, and group photos of every team and organization. Yearbooks are memory books, history books, and a snapshot of what life was like for a student during the school year. The yearbook staff at Timber Creek is dedicated to telling the stories and capturing the faces of their fellow students. They create a national award winning books that school’s across the country admire. No matter if you’ve been in the class room or in the class zoom, the staff is working to tell a wide variety of stories about students during the 2020-2021 school year.

Although yearbooks are delivered a few weeks before school is out, the publisher must know how many covers and pages to start running much earlier. Yearbooks are offered for the best price of the year ($65) through Oct. 31 and can only be ordered online at YearbookForever.com. The price will go up Nov. 1 and will remain the same until January when sales close. No extra books will be ordered, so the only way to guarantee that students receive one is to order online now at YearbookForever.com.

The 2021 Yearbook Cover has been revealed. This has been and continues to be a very strange year. Some are feeling disconnected and maybe a little insignificant, but the yearbook staff wants to remind everyone that, especially this year, you matter. Whether you spend time helping around the house, making sure your younger siblings are doing their school work, make sure everyone takes time to vote, or remember to wear your mask for the safety of those you love, your effort matters. We are all part of something much bigger than ourselves. You are each a little part of something greater.

ID Cards have arrived and were delivered to students during lunches. Those not yet picked up are now being sorted by English teacher and will be delivered to classrooms. Remote students need to watch for communication from administration on how and where to pick up their ID’s. Any student who did not have a school photo taken this year, should go to the counseling office on the following day (during a lunch or off period) to have their photo taken and get an ID card.
Seniors – Oct. 27
Juniors – Oct. 28
Sophomores – Oct. 29
Freshmen – Oct. 30

School Photos for grades 9-11 may be viewed and ordered at Glamourcraft.com. If students had their photo taken on the original photo days, the code to see their photos is the student’s ID number followed immediately by TCHS20. (For example: 123456TCHS20)
Students who had their photo taken on a make-up day have a random code. Call 817-923-9901 or email Melanie@glamourcraft.com to get your student’s code.
If you have any questions about your Glamourcraft photos, please contact them directly at 817-923-9901.

Senior Photos are almost over. Most seniors should have already had their senior photo session with Glamourcraft. They will be back on campus one last time the morning of Oct. 31. Students who had their photos taken in September have already received their proofs. Can’t locate the email? Call the Glamourcraft Senior number at 817-292-8989.
All seniors need to immediately select their yearbook pose the moment they receive their proofs. Seniors may choose from the tux/drape or the gown with no hat.

Senior Yearbook Tributes allow families to show their seniors how proud they are one last time. Parents can choose their tribute size, type in their student’s name as they wish it to appear, upload their photos, and write a short and sweet personal message at YearbookForever.com before the Oct. 31 deadline. See the Yearbook Facebook page for tips on how to get the best senior tribute and more information.

Even more photos taken by the very talented student photographers of The Creek Yearbook Staff may be viewed at TimberCreek.SmugMug.com. There’s images from most sports, pep rallies, theatre shows, and a variety of other functions.

2020 Yearbook Pick Up: Any “in-person” student who still needs to pick up their 2019-2020 Yearbook can come by room N202 between 8:00-8:20 any morning. Remote students who need to pick theirs up should email the yearbook adviser, kathy.beers@kellerisd.net, with the date they will be coming by the front office to pick theirs up. It will be waiting for them there.

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