Stage West Theatre Hosts Neighborhood Play Contest

Stage West Theatre in Fort Worth will be selecting student-written plays to be produced at their annual Festival of the Kid. The festival serves to celebrate the young playwrights of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The theatre determines the plays that will be produced from the winners of their Neighborhood Play Contest.

“It gets them beyond Timber Creek High School and see it happen in a new venue with a new demographic,” theatre teacher Amanda Brundrett, said.

How it works:

  1. Write a play or short scene. It has to have stage directions and dialogue. It can be up to 10 pages and no longer than 10 minutes. Write a short story in narrative form, about 2-3 pages long. Lastly, write a poem or monologue.
  2.  Send it in either by delivery or email to Stage West by Dec. 7. Entries can be delivered as well, with the envelopes labeled as ‘Contest’. The email for submission is
  3. Winners will be announced in January of 2021.

The theatre encourages students to derive their stories from personal experiences, but will except fiction as well. Your story must have a beginning , middle, and end and type it if you can. Your name, contact address, phone number, email, teachers name and school need to be included on your story. It can be written in either English or Spanish. Go to their website and make sure to look over their formatting guidelines.

If you don’t want to write the play, but instead be in it you can audition on Feb. 20 and 21, 2021. Performances are on May 3, 4, 5.

Plays by two Timber Creek students were selected in 2019 to be performed during the Festival of the Kid. Read about those productions here: Students’ Plays to be Produced at Stage West Theatre

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