Everything You Need to Know About Fall 2020 Final Exams

There’s something new about the Fall 2020 Semester Final Exams; you might not even have to take them. Read this article for the schedule, the exemption rules, and what happens once you’re done your Fall classes.


So let’s break this schedule down.

First, what’s NOT on the schedule. On Monday, Dec. 14, 2020 we’ll have a regular schedule odd day. Nothing changes to schedules.

Then, Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020, has the exams for 1st and 8th period. Each of those classes have one hour and thirty minutes for those classes — a shift from their traditional 50 minutes. To accommodate those changes, 2nd and 6th period will have reduced times on the 15th. It is a standard school day, so students will be released at 4 p.m.

Next is Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020, which has students attending essentially a standard odd day schedule, but taking their 3rd, 5th, and 7th Period finals during their standard class times. Again, it’s a full school day, so students are released at 4 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 17, is when the end of school gets adjusted. Students only attend 2nd, 4th, and 6th periods for their finals, then are released at 12:30 p.m for an early release day.

Finally, on Friday, Dec. 18, there are no exams, but students will attend EVERY CLASS, 1st through 8th for about 26 minutes per course until 12:30 p.m. when they’re release for Winter Break!

Note: See the KCAL Schedule below in the FAQ


Students in grades 9-12 who meet grade and behavior requirements are eligible for  semester exam exemption. Students in grades 9-12 must meet all of the following  criteria in order to be exempt from the semester exam:

  • Have an 85 average in the course.
  • Have no ISS, OSS, or DAEP assigned days.

CTE Courses: 

  • Industry based certification tests may be used in CTE courses to substitute the final  exam grade.

Courses not eligible for exemption: 

  • Courses that require a capstone assessment, project, portfolio, performance or performance evaluation as a final.
  • Dual Credit Courses

Notification of eligibility for exemptions: 

  • Exemptions will be determined no later than the Monday of the week of final exams. (That’s Dec. 14)
  • Teachers will notify students of their exemption eligibility. (On or before Dec. 14)

Students who are exempt and choose to take the final exam will not be penalized for any  final exam grade that will lower their semester average.

Please direct all questions regarding this administrative regulation to the building principal (which we did, below!)


(Answered by Timber Creek Principal Michelle Somerhalder)

If I’m exempt from a final, do I have to go to that class?

If a student is exempt from a semester exam, then they do not have to attend the class for that specific class period on the day in which the semester exam is being given. They must be present for all other class periods throughout the week.

If students have already taken the final, do they have to attend the other days that class meets?

Yes, students must be present for all class periods throughout the week unless they are exempt from a semester exam, which would allow them to be absent for that specific class period on the day in which the semester exam is being given.

How will Remote/Virtual students take their exams? Do they have to come in person?

Remote/Virtual students will take their semester exams in a remote format as given by their teacher. Remote/Virtual students will not come to Timber Creek.

What is the purpose of the final Friday (Dec. 18) where they attend all the classes?

Friday is a regular school day. Students will have classes as normal.

Is there a published schedule for KCAL finals and/or classes that are only offered at other campuses?

See the attached the KCAL Semester Exam Schedule and the KCAL Semester Exam Bus Schedule. Students will attend KCAL and/or classes at other campuses on all days except Friday. On Friday, KCAL students and those who have classes at other campuses will report to the FAC (Fine Arts Center) at Timber Creek.

If a student is quarantined, ill, or unable to attend their final, how do they make it up?

If a student is quarantined, the teacher will ensure the student is given the semester exam in a remote format. If a student has an excused absence on the day of the semester exam, he/she will need to make a plan with the teacher for taking the semester exam when he/she returns from holiday break.

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