Beyond the Sidelines – Episode 6

Beyond the Sidelines – Episode 6
Exploring Educational Excellence, a travel consortium of Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Rice University, and the University of Chicago, will be visiting Dallas on Thursday, April 30 at 7 p.m.
On Sunday, Feb. 23, seven Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) members came home from a state competition adorned with medals and trophies. Members of DECA competed against 5300 other students at the state level of competition.
Running for President, Sky Dancer Success, Spring Break, Casey’s Kids and More | TCTV March 4, 2020
Falcon Theatre’s spring show, ‘The Book of Everything’, opens this Thursday, March 5 and will run through Saturday, March 7. Tickets will be sold at the door, costing $5 for students and $10 for adults.
Spring Break, Trash, TAFE, TCFM, and More | TCTV March 3, 2020
Spring Break is Coming, VASE, Student Singer/Songwriter and More | TCTV March 2, 2020
KISD’s annual Chad Powell Special Olympics Track Meet is an event in which special needs students within KISD may come together and have a field day. If students signed up to be a special olympics buddy for the event, they must attend one of the following meetings.
The AP Capstone is the newest introduction into the selection of AP courses. Rather than one class over a certain topic, an AP capstone “diploma” is gained from passing two specific years worth of an AP classes’ tests (AP Seminar Read more
A literary genius and representative of black excellence, Angelou reminds young people that they are not confined to the circumstances of which they were born. She was living, breathing proof that those circumstances are just another reason to overcome.