State Wrestling, Book of Everything, Mock Trial, Heart Facts | TCTV Feb. 24, 2020

State Wrestling, Book of Everything, Mock Trial, Heart Facts | TCTV Feb. 24, 2020
State Wrestling, Book of Everything, Mock Trial, Heart Facts | TCTV Feb. 24, 2020
The past few weeks have been full of satellite antics for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Senior year can be a stressful time for many students. The struggle of paying for college becomes much more real, which is why a number of seniors start desperately searching for independent scholarships.
Starting Tuesday, Feb. 25, Keller ISD will host a series of community forums featuring Dr. Karen Schultz from Cook Children’s Medical Center to discuss the “risks, warning signs, [and] legal consequences” of vaping.
State Wrestling, The Book of Everything, Choir Nachos | TCTV Feb. 21, 2020
You’re watching Timber Creek Television, the student-powered television station at Timber Creek High School in Keller ISD.Thanks for tuning in!Have questions, comments or concerns? E-mail or find us on Twitter @TimberCreekTVMultistreaming with
Bayard Rustin was an early civil rights activist and organizer, and was an advisor of Martin Luther King Jr. Rustin was also an icon for not only the black community, but the LGBTQ+ community as well.
Interested in completing required credits to graduate in courses such as Professional Communications, United States Government, Economics, or English IV done over the summer? Searching for extra PSAT, SAT, or ACT practice to improve scores for college applications?
This is the February 2020 episode of the student-produced Spanish-language newscast from Timber Creek Television.Produced by John Gutierrez.