Elect Your Student Officers During Lunch Feb. 28, March 1

Elections for Student Officers will be held during lunches on Tuesday, February 28 and Wednesday, March 1, 2017.

Student Body (student council) positions are uncontested and have three vacant seat that will be appointed after elections.

There are 10 Senior Class candidates. Class of 18 (current Juniors) will vote for the five students they would like to represent them. An interview committee will then choose slate the top 5 students as President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer and Historian.

There are three Junior Class candidates. There are two vacant positions that may be appointed after elections. All positions will have equal weight and will not have a title.

There are 10 Sophomore Class candidates. Class of 20 (current Freshmen) will vote for the five students they would like to represent them. All positions will have equal weight and will not have a title.

Video Statements from Student Body Officer Candidates

Note: These videos are unedited.

Campaign Statements from Student Body Officer Candidates

Note: These statements are reprinted as written. No adjustments other than basic formatting have been applied.

Jade Ealy – Student Body President
Having had the opportunity to be Junior Class President and to hold a student leadership position for the 2016-2017 school year, I honestly believe that I have found my passion in Student Council. I love everything that being involved in Student Council entails, and I seek the position of Student Body President because I hope to continue the path of growth that Student Council is on through contributing to this organization in any and every way that I can. The leadership qualities that that I bring to the table for this position are experience, enthusiasm, and a genuine concern and admiration for the students of this school. Upon election, I hope to continue to build upon the foundations that Student Council has already established while at the same time bringing my own personal experience to the mix. My biggest hope is to help make Timber Creek an energetic and welcoming environment for every student and faculty member on campus.

Kaiti Foreman – Student Body Vice-President
Student Council has blessed me with many amazing opportunities to promote and support the Timber Creek community and having held a leadership position this 2016-17 year, I believe I have the passion, experience, and drive to make the most of the Student Body Vice President position. I seek this position because I want to touch and better the school in every way I possibly could. If elected, my biggest goal is to make every voice on campus heard and important. In order to build a school and community full of falcon pride, the voice of every student and faculty of Timber Creek must be listened to. The amazing culture I’ve seen brought into Student Council has made me fall in love with being a member and I want to continue and add to that culture in order to make everybody within TC truly enjoy the years they spend here.

Maycee Cheek – Student Body Recording Secretary
My reasoning for running, would have to be my love for everyone and everything that comes with being a part of the student council family. Being an officer would give me more access to strengthening my people skills, and my leadership skills. If I get elected, then I will do everything in my power to uphold the duties that come with my position, and offer my help to anyone else, in order to make student council a safe and fun place for everyone. My three greatest strengths/leadership qualities would have to be my love to listen, my need to see things from everyone’s side, and finally my organization skills. In the past, I have gone to student council summer workshop, done many workshops, and have been a leader in fish camp. My all-time favorite was summer workshop, I have never felt more at home with a group of strangers.

Grace Krug – Student Body Parliamentarian
The reason that I wanted to run for an officer position is to give a voice to those who don’t have one. I want to give our students a place to feel accepted and heard. What I want to come out of this election is that they have someone at this school who cares and will be there for them. My three greatest strengths would be my listening skills, my eye for detail, and my ability to put myself in other people’s shoes. I was in student council in the 8th grade and I attend TASC leadership workshops regularly all throughout the year, including summer workshop, and state conference.

Victoria Ramos-Ortiz – Student Body Activity Coordinator
I, Victoria Ramos-Ortiz, am seeking to run for the position of Student Body Activities Coordinator because I believe that we can use the leadership skills we have gained through Student Council for a greater good. I think of myself as a passionate person that cares deeply about making our community a better place. In the coming year, if I’m elected for said position, I hope to establish a more interactive relationship with the student body. Also, we can use our influence as members of our community to do good for our students, our school, our environment, our city and the people we share it with. If I were to choose three of my greatest strengths and/or leadership qualities, I would choose my passion, my problem-solving skills, and my determination to do my best. I am very involved in Student Council and other organizations of our school, such as HOSA and Falcon Friends. However, I plan on becoming more involved as the year continues and even more in the years to come. I believe that, if I am able, I can pass on my spirit and enthusiasm for improving our school and community relations and outreach through words and actions.

Senior Class Officer Candidates

Claire Ely
I am running for senior class office because I believe I have an optimistic, outgoing, and caring disposition which would benefit the senior class by providing a leader who is not only willing to reach out, but work alongside peers to leave a legacy at Timber creek. While I have been an active member in student council for the past two years, I believe I can step up into a leadership position because of my constant drive and determination. Like you, I care for issues concerning the class, and I will take into account your ideas for events such as prom, graduation, and fundraising. By voting me you are also voting for senior class quotes in the yearbook, a senior gift to the school, and additions to pre-existing traditions.
A vote to keep your legacy is a vote for Claire Ely,
I ask for your support.

Brad (Chris) Fleming
The reason I’m running for senior office is because I have ideas that will make 2017-2018 the best year for my class. I want to raise more money for prom so that it will not rely on the majority of money from Mr.Bartlett. This is my first year in Timber Creek High School’s student council, but I was in Trinity Springs student council for two years. I had the opportunity of attending the District 3 Overnighter, which was one of the best ways to learn ideas from other schools. My main ideas for our senior year is to making painting parking lots less expensive ,  make our prom tickets less expensive, and leave the class of 2018’s imprint on the school. My leadership skills consist of: speaking in public, current lead party host at my place of employment, and I think I’m a fun and energetic person who people like to be around. If I’m elected, we won’t just have a good year, we will have an awesome year! If elected, the four other officers and I will conduct senior sunrise, prom, senior class fundraisers, and making it a great and easier year for our peers.

Tyler Fowler
The ultimate goal I would like to accomplish if elected as Senior Class Officer is to bring an exciting and memorable senior year to my peers filled with class activities and events that will develop bonds that will last beyond graduation. As your former Sophomore VP and current Junior VP experience is one of my greatest strengths for this duty. I have learned so much on what projects work within our class and what projects don’t work, and how we can improve them. Listening and learning are another two strengths I have developed through leading our class. For any project to get completed leaders must listen to others opinions and come up with a solution to accomplish the goal. Every great leader is also a great learner. For me to grow as a leader within our class I need to learn more about our students, and what ideas they have to better the class comradery. My reasoning for this position is to continue developing myself as a leader within our class and build a since of pride and spirit in the class of 2018, the best class in Timber Creek history!

Gabriela Gonzales
A falcon trainer needs 4 years to perfect training. The students here at Timber Creek are ready to move to the next level, and differentiate ourselves from our neighbors. More than just success in sports, falcons need to take a sense of ownership of this community and this building. We want in years to come, the name of our alma mater to be respected and esteemed. The unity of our student body begins by breaking down the barriers that separate us.  No longer should we see cafeteria tables segregated by race or culture. As a leader in student government I will preach and practice the furtherance of peace and understanding between rich and poor. United in service to others, we can heal the fissures in our community and become the type of adults that the larger community would be proud of. We need to open our eyes and understand that we have a responsibility to each other and to the community at large. I am humbled to have the opportunity to lead our school in this exciting phase of growth. I know I will serve in an exceptional manner, thank you for your time.

Jake Howard
I, Jake Howard, would like to be apart of the Senior Class Council in hopes to help increase school sprit, student involvement, and class camaraderie. I would like for the senior class to be more involved with other organizations at Timber Creek and Student Council itself, in doing so this will reach out to more students and bring us together and show our support for our fellow Falcons. With my positivity, open mindedness, and patience I am always willing to try new projects and get new ideas for things to run more proficiently, and when something doesn’t workout I’m never discouraged and I look for other ways to solve the problem. In my high school career, I have had many opportunities to be a leader, I am currently a Student Body Officer, NAHS Officer, and the chairman for Arts and Education for PTSA. I hope to create a memorable senior year for my classmates, influence other young student leaders, and have a lasting impact on Timber Creek.

Bethany Kloesel
I was motivated to run for the position of senior class officer because of its challenge and my hope to help improve student council as well as Timber creek so that we may accomplish great things. Throughout the election and the upcoming school year, my goal as a Timber creek senior class officer is to promote an atmosphere of positivity and motivation and to keep a happy and exciting feeling throughout the school of the new and exciting things to come. As one of your senior class officers, I will display qualities of being a trustworthy, organized, and a positive leader, this is my vision for being a successful leader. My involvement in student council, HOSA, NHS, and previously being a violet belle has allowed me to gain leadership qualities necessary for a student council officer. I appreciate the wonderful and challenging opportunity to run for a senior class officer position and am excited to see what we can accomplish and to see what our future holds!

Kenna Muff
I would like to be a senior class officer this year because I believe that senior year should be one of the most memorable years of a person’s school life; and if I’m an officer I would do my best to help accomplish that for my fellow classmates in as many ways as possible. I would also like to accomplish not only making senior year memorable but also as stress free as possible. I believe that I can benefit the senior class team with my organization skills, persistence, and cooperative skills, also my involvement in NHS will help with really starting and pursuing projects in Student Council.

Colin Sanders
Throughout my high school career, I have been blessed with friends and leaders who have made it their goal to shape Timber Creek into one of the best schools in Texas. I intend to run for senior class office in order to follow in the footsteps of these leaders and continue to have TCHS march closer to being the destination school of the state. While I am in office, my first and foremost goal will be to bring the future senior class together by developing a unified culture. We can achieve this through an expanded number of class-wide extracurricular activities such as games, socials, and competitions. As a leader, my three greatest qualities are integrity to do what is right at all times, passion which drives me to constantly better myself and people around me, and my ability to make quick, deliberate decisions when necessary. This year, I have made it my goal to increase my involvement in many clubs and organizations, such as Academic Decathlon, FBLA, Earth Warriors, Student Council, and the Junior World Affairs Council.

Emily Uvaney
a.    I am running for senior class office because I’m very passionate in evoking change to further improve our campus in any way possible, whether it be through more creativity, organization, or school pride.
b.    Following the election process, I’d like to quickly establish a trustworthy basis with the senior class so that they will be able to rely on me to help make decisions that will benefit our class throughout our last year of high school.
c.    I believe my three greatest strengths can be attributed to my organization skills, dependability, and optimistic outlook on life and its tasks.
d.    I’ve been a part of Student Council for the past year and a half where I’ve had the opportunity to grow in my leadership skills and if I were given the chance to apply those talents, it would greatly benefit the Class of 2018.

Gracy Whitaker
I am running for senior class office so that I may promote unity and community outreach among the senior class.  As the oldest students on campus, I believe it is our responsibility to set an example for the underclassmen.  If elected, I hope to promote projects and ideas that my classmates are passionate about, so we can leave a legacy on Timber Creek and the surrounding community that future classes will follow.  I am outgoing, confident and motivated, and I believe these qualities will allow me to lead the senior class effectively and accomplish all of our goals in a positive manner.  I have been a member of student council for 2 years and am currently serving as the junior class secretary.

Junior Class Officer Candidates

Ashtyn Dye
I,  Ashtyn Dye,  am running for junior class officer because I would like to be the change in my class and make students have hope for our future. I would like to accomplish many encouraging fundraisers and help others in my class have a voice. I will do this with great leadership, accountability and creativeness. I have a lot of past experience with student council, including pride and patriotism. I take pride in my school and I would like to lead my class to a successful future for our upcoming years at Timber creek.

Mackenzie Panganiban
I’m running for a Junior class officer position for two main reasons: I’m looking for a new leadership challenge and I have a true passion for helping people and spreading positivity wherever I can. If I have the privilege of receiving an officer position, I hope to put an importance on unity within our student body by helping other clubs become more well-known and appreciated, and providing both the 2017-2018 Junior class and student body with more community service projects to show that TCHS really does care! When referencing my qualities, I would say that my 3 biggest strengths/leadership characteristics would include, my positive attitude, creativity, and the commitment I have to my education, peers, school, and anything I’m passionate about. My main involvement with student council so far, includes many community service projects, and being present and up to date on other school related functions. Additionally, I also have a summer job as a lifeguard and I babysit multiple children in my neighborhood. This would be a great opportunity to show my true passion for Timber Creek, and I’m thrilled to have this chance to.

Carly Slater
I am running for junior class officer because I would like to interact with my school and help the student body become more excited about school and the activities provided by student council. Upon this election I’d like to accomplish many things such as promoting school pride and togetherness among all grade levels at TCHS. My three greatest strengths would be my collaboration with others, determination, and organization. I hope that I will be able to use these skills throughout all areas of student council. Other leadership positions that I have held includes; pride and patriotism vice president, youth usher president, and cheer manager. I can use these same qualities that I have used in previous leadership positions in this role!

Sophomore Class Officer Candidates

Jessie Eagan
I would love to be a sophomore class officer because I am seeking positive change in myself and class/school projects. Such as making awareness or spirt weeks more personal to get more people involved and to give more opportunities to the less fortunate. These two projects are important to me because they represent people respecting themselves more which is often an issue for most in high school. Even though this year was my first year in student council I know I can accomplish my goals because I am someone you can rely on, hardworking, persistent, and very organized on a day to day bases. I’m looking forward to being one of your sophomore class officer.

Catie Faubel
As the oldest child I have always been a leader at home and I desire to be a leader among my peers as well. I want to be seen as one who can be relied on to do the right thing and to get things done. Personally I wish to grow my leadership skills to positively impact my future. Among all students in my class, as well as the entire student body, I aim toward a greater growth and bond. Among my leadership qualities are recognizing others opinions and compromising with them, setting a good example, and being reliable. I always strive to be the best that I can be. I am very active as a leader in and out of school. Previously, I served in middle school student council in 5th and 6th grade, as a DASH chairperson in 7th, and president in 8th. As a freshman I served as a class officer.I also actively participate in band and Falcon Friends. In band I display my reliability to complete assignments and my responsibility through my contributions. In Falcon Friends I serve as a loving and encouraging example. Thank you for your consideration of my contributing qualities for sophomore class officer.

Lily Huyunh
I’m Lily Huynh and I’m running for Sophomore Class Officer because I want to be involved in a position, where I can make a positive impact at Timber Creek High School. I intend to be a leader, and role model for Timber Creek while representing the TCHS sophomore class. I will strive to be the best of my abilities by always working hard, contributing my time and efforts, working as a team member, and always having pride in TCHS. If I’m elected, sophomore class officer I would want to accomplish in more student involvement, and new projects that will positively affect inside and outside of school. When I was in 8th grade I was a part of PALS (peer assistant leadership). This amazing group taught me many valuable skills such as community and school involvement which has helped me grow into a leader.

Monica Mendoza
Running for Sophomore Class Council means doing my part as a student to strive to make a difference in our generation at Timber Creek. Upon election, I would like to accomplish improvement and engagement to bring the sophomore class together. I would achieve this by including them throughout decision making process. I am capable of providing many qualities and strengths to the STUCO class officer team. My communication skills will help to express ideas. As well as my determination when reaching to fulfill a goal. I would contribute my work ethic in order to construct objectives properly. Leadership has been a big contribution in my life, some of the positions I have taken on have been Cheer Co-Captain, a PAL at Trinity Springs, and also Social Media Director in the freshman STUCO officer council. My experience in student council so far has been one of the best and I would like to continue this journey.  I would like to ensure my class and I leave a strong footprint with the goals we hope to achieve in our four short years here. With me as part of your sophomore class council we will make it happen.

Paige Rath
I’ve always had a passion to make a difference and being a Student Council member this year made me realize that I want to lead and make my mark on a larger scale. I am running for Sophomore Class Council Officer because I believe that I could lead the sophomore class in a strong and very positive way. I want to bring fresh ideas to the table and execute them in an efficient and a meticulous manner. Ideas such as, weekly challenges/competitions to make school a more fun and motivational environment. I have the confidence, passion, and positivity to represent you, the sophomore class, this 2017-2018 school year.

Allison Souimaniphanh
As millennials, the world around us is constantly changing.  For this reason alongside many others, I would like to lead the class of 2020 towards their promising future. Beyond titles and job descriptions, I want to proactively involve myself in the lives of our student body, giving each student a platform to speak their voice and advocate for those who have yet to find their own. I carry myself with great pride now, for I had once been indifferent to recognizing my own strengths. Today, I am confident in myself and the values I define my actions by. I am also compassionate; I care profusely about the wellbeing of those in my life as well as globally. Lastly, I am more than willing to commit my time, effort, and passion to Timber Creek’s Student Council. In the past, I have been a member of the TSMS Student Council, as well as in National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Additionally, for years, I have been a part of multiple family owned businesses that are thriving off ambition. Incomparably, I am determined to apply myself in order to reach a lifetime of perpetual enhancement towards unfound knowledge.

Chrisna Tamak
I’m running for Sophomore Class Officer, because it’s a great opportunity to be able to represent our class and bring our ideas, concerns, etc to the forefront. Upon being elected, I would try to implement activities (spirit weeks, fundraisers, etc) that are relevant to us, meaning it’s something that we care about and that would be fun for us to participate in. My greatest strengths are that I’m resourceful, determined, and funny. I’m the type of person who always finds a way to solve any issue. I know the saying goes, “Think outside the box”. However, for me there isn’t a box. The way I handle situations isn’t always the conventional method but I’ll do whatever it takes to make it work. I want others to have a fun time in Student Council, and that’s where my jokes come in. I want to help create a positive atmosphere for all members, and the best way I know how to do that is by making people laugh. Another position that I’ve held in Student Council before was Secretary.

Grayson Thanisch
I am running for a sophomore class position because I have found the Timber Creek Student Council and leadership to be somethings I am truly passionate about. I wish to become even more involved in our school’s affairs and help lead our school in a direction that would make it a more inclusive, enjoyable, and safe experience. If I were to receive a position in sophomore class I would, in addition to my task of fundraising, push for Student Council and its members to be more involved in the community through donating portions of our fundraisers to meaningful charities and going to volunteer opportunities. My greatest leaderships qualities are that I am more extremely involved, I am hardworking and will give 110%, and that I am a servant to those I lead meaning I don’t lead for and by myself, I lead for and alongside you. I have had involvement in student council while I was in intermediate school and of course this year as a freshman. I am also a current and active member in the freshman council, and have been working as hard as I can for the future of my class. I look forward to possibly leading in the future.

Christian Tomy
Hi my name is Christan Tomy and I am running for sophomore class officer. I would like to express my leadership capabilities that have been innately built within me. If I become elected to office, I wish to benefit and support the community of Keller, to give back to the community, and show what this community has built me into. As a citizen of Keller, it is necessary to help the poor, comfort the sick, and motivate the younger generations to reach new heights. My three greatest leadership qualities include optimism because I enjoy tackling a difficult challenge with a positive outlook. Another leadership quality I possess is passion because I like to contribute to the task at hand until completion.  Also, my leadership quality of integrity is important since I believe in being honest with everyone. I have been in the TCHS Student Council for about half a year and I have volunteered by spreading school spirit and being a fantastic leader in all things that I participate in. I had been in Student Council and NJHS in eighth grade, where I was active in several service projects. If elected, I look forward to making an impact in our community.

Jayda Walker
My name is Jayda Walker and I am running for sophomore class because I would love to be more involved in the school and be viewed as a leader. If I get accepted to be in sophomore class council I would want the trust in our student body that I and student council can lead Timber Creek to great things. I view myself as a very open minded and creative person and when it comes to work I am determined to finish the task. This is my second year involved in student council. I was a part of student council eighth grade year along with this year. I was accepted in the PALS program which involved many volunteering around our community. I have been the most involved with student council this year, I have been to various activities we have held along with work days and meetings. I am apart of freshman class council this year and along with going to every meeting held and would encourage any incoming freshman to join.  I hope to be your vote and be a part of sophomore class council.

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