Everything You Need to Know About the 2017 PSAT

Timber Creek High School will hold their PSAT testing on Oct. 11, 2017. But that’s not all you need to know.

All sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT test. Freshmen who registered and paid will also take the test. All testing students need to be in their testing center by 8:30 a.m.

Click here to find a PDF document with all students and their testing centers.

Use CRTL + F on desktop browsers or other functions on mobile PDF readers to find your last name and testing center.

Non-testing 9-11th graders will report to the large gym at 11 a.m. All Seniors report to the small gym at 11 a.m.

And, Seniors, you really do have to come to school. The following message was sent out on School Messenger:

“Hello Seniors and Senior Parents, This is a reminder that we will be conducting the PSAT administration on Wednesday, October 11th and all students must attend classes for at least 4 hours on all days, including testing days, to be marked ‘present’.  This is why we have students arrive at 11:00AM, so the 4 hour rule is met.  It is important to remind our seniors they must attend their full day of classes on testing days.  For our students that have 4th period off, that is not scheduled until 3:00PM, and you will be expected to remain in class the full time, as leaving early will result in an absence.  We realize this is not your typical routine, but we appreciate your attention to this matter.  Please arrange your schedule accordingly for Wednesday, October 11th so you may attend your full class schedule.”

Students will not report to other campuses this day and no shuttles will run between campuses. KCAL students will report to the FAC after testing.

Testing students will eat lunch in the test centers.

The PSAT is a timed test with specific timed sections. TCHS will be keeping as close as possible to the following schedule:

Testing Students
8:15 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Students released to testing centers
8:35 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Pre-administration for PSAT
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PSAT Testing
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch in Testing rooms

Non-testing Students
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Non-testers report to designated areas
11:35 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Seniors in cafeteria/Freshmen in FAC
12:35 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Seniors in FAC/Freshmen in cafeteria

All Students
1:36 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. 2A Period
2:21 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 3A Period
3:06 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. 4A Period

Students need to bring the following items:
+ Pencils (not mechanical) & erasers
+ Calculator (optional) No school issued calculators or sharing, no calculator on phone — per College Board rules (See more notes on calculators below)
+ Lunch – Testing students will eat in test centers
+ Students will need to know their home address and Math teacher
+ Students may read once all test materials are collected. Books must remain under students desks during testing.

Notes on Calculators
+ Students MUST use their own, TCHS teachers will not lend them out
+ 4 function, scientific, or graphing are allowed
+ Students may NOT share calculators
+ Memory doesn’t have to be cleared at any time
+ Calculators on phones are NOT allowed

During the test, this is what can or cannot be on the desk:
+ Test Book/Answer Sheet
+ #2 pencil (not mechanical)
+ Calculator (under desk until section 4)
+ NO tissues, water bottles, food, pencil bags, highlighters, etc.
+ NO cell phones, smart watches, etc.

Student cell phones, smart watches and other election devices will be powered off and collected before testing begins. Please be aware that student devices will not be returned until after 1:30 p.m.

+ Breaks are only 5 minutes and are timed.
+ Only one student per room at a time will be able to be out of the room to use the restroom or get a drink.
+ Restrooms will be monitored and kept moving by hall monitor.
+ All must remain quiet in the halls since rooms will be on break at slightly different times.
+ Students may not talk in the room and can’t access phones or food during breaks.

The following testing aids are not allowed on the PSAT
+ Watch alarms, Earplugs
+ Protractors, compasses, rulers
+ Dictionaries
+ Highlighters
+ Scratch paper
+ Food or beverages (see other notes on bottled water)

Students may bring a bottle of water to drink, but it must be placed under the student’s desk and only consumed during the designated break times in the test.

Sophomores and Juniors were given study guides through English classes containing information about the test.

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