Falcon Theatre and TCTV Broadcast “Big Love” for Limited Shows Dec. 14-16

After delays due to COVID, quarantines, Thanksgiving Break and more, Falcon Theatre’s production of “Big Love” is finally ready to make its socially-distanced debut in a unique way.

Originally the show was scheduled to perform outdoors and allow audience members to attend for free and and bring their own chairs if they wish to sit — but now, thanks to work with TCTV and the rights holders for the play, the production will be available for three dates, Dec. 14-16, 2020 to view online. Each performance allows audience members to register for a ticket that gains them access to watch the show on video between 7 and 10 p.m. each night.

Big Love, written by Charles L. Mee, is a modern adaptation of Aeschylus’s The Suppliants. It is about brides who flee to a manor in Italy to avoid marrying their cousins and in the process raise issues of gender politics, love, and the ideals of domestic partnership.

“I enjoy this piece because it takes a comedic look at antiquated ideas about relationships and how they are adapted to our world today.” Director Lance Morse said.  “Each character in the play portrays a stereotype, yet through these extreme types, we see a larger lesson to be learned.”

The show is set at the Fine Arts loading dock on the west side of the school. Like both of the other fall shows, I and You and Peter Pan, they had to get creative with ways to perform safely.  The show is blocked so that actors on stage maintain social distancing and all company members will wear masks during the performance.

Having an outdoor venue provided challenges for the technical side of the production. Lights and sound, for example, had to find a setup that works outdoors without all their usual equipment.

“We have had to readjust to being in a different space but I feel like it’s really good for both the technicians and the actors to get out of their comfort zone and try something new,” stage manager Phoebe Lowe said.

Delaney Ross, who plays Lydia, also expressed her excitement for the opportunity to perform.

“I’m looking forward to just being able to perform live again. Throughout this quarantine the theatre community has really been struggling, but I am so thankful that our department is finding ways to let us continue our art!”

“Big Love” is no longer available to view online. Only three showtimes were previously available, as mentioned above.


Falcon Theatre presents “Big Love,” a play by Charles Mee.

Piero: David Percival
Lydia: Delaney Ross
Olympia: Remidy Dixon
Thyona: Kady Waldmann
Giuliana: Paris Lowery
Constantine: Ethan Hyatt
Nikos: Joey Suliguin
Bella: Clara Israel
Oed: Evan Marsh
Leona: Julia Bettie
Eleanor: Madi Corley
Sofia: Jasmin Jimenez

Phoebe Lowe – Stage Manager
Macie Moore-Williams – Assistant SM and Sound Op
Dee Lepine – Lighting Op
Zachary Feuling – Light Crew

Ainsley Beers – Filming and Editing
Greg Janda – Student Media Advisor, Webcode

©2020. This video recording was produced by special arrangement with United Talent Agency and Charles Mee. All rights reserved. This performance is authorized for non-commercial use only. By accepting the video recording, you agree not to authorize or permit the video recording to be copied, distributed, broadcast, telecast or otherwise exploited, in whole or in part, in any media now known or hereafter developed.

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