Timber Creek Today – Sept. 15, 2016



We’ve put together “Everything You Need to Know About 2016 Homecoming” and continued to update it with ticket info, parade routes, dance info — you know, everything you need to know kind of stuff. Read it here: Everything You Need to Know About Homecoming 2016

Speaking of parades — did you get to see the 2016 Homecoming Parade? Relive the experience with a replay of our live coverage and watch this link for photos and video highlights today and tomorrow. [READ MORE]

As the Friday Night Lights kick back up into full swing, here are all the policies, rules, and regulations you’ll need to know about the games and any other events that take place at the KISD Stadium. [READ MORE]

Timber Creek is now 3-0 after beating Flower Mound 38-30 — but they face a tough opponent on Thursday. [READ MORE]


Timber Creek is about to pay a $8,000 fine for textbooks that haven’t been returned from the 2015-2016 school year, but we have a way to reduce that number. [READ MORE]

There will be a Prescription Drug Town Hall meeting on Tuesday Sept. 20 at the Keller ISD Education Center from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. [READ MORE]

Starting this fall, Keller ISD will now be offering fall and spring semester online classes for Professional Communications Courses. [READ MORE]

Glamourcraft is now booking appointments for Monday, Oct. 10 at TCHS. [READ MORE]

Freshmen who wish to take the PSAT are able to register now. [READ MORE]


Spanish Club’s first meeting is being held on Wednesday, Sept. 21. [READ MORE]

Every Tuesday after school in Micheal Otto’s room, S215, TCHS students gather to become soldiers, go-kart racers and Kirbys. [READ MORE]

Timber Creek’s Interact Club just kicked off their school year with their first meeting held on Wednesday, Sept. 9. [READ MORE]


Recently there has been a major out roar among the students at Timber Creek about the parking restrictions and more frequent ‘booting’ that’s been enforced. [READ MORE]

Think readers don’t win trophies? Think again. [READ MORE]

The Timber Creek Color Guard is 22 members strong, and each one of them puts in a lot of hard work to make the Timber Creek marching show look amazing. [READ MORE]

Submit your tracks for our new student radio station, TCFM. [READ MORE]

Timber Creek AVID is encouraging TCHS students to join in Keller ISD’s College Colors day on Sept. 21, 2016. [READ MORE]

For a Sky Dancer, the day starts at 5:30 am. Then they go to practice — a lot of practice. [READ MORE]

The Timber Creek High School choir program is currently in a busy season and 53 volunteered individuals have taken their singing one step further to be the best musicians they can be. [READ MORE]

The Creek Yearbook photographers captured Purple Out game day highlights on Sept. 8, 2016. [READ MORE]

The Timber Creek High School Wind Symphony has been selected to perform an hour-long concert at the Western International Band Clinic (WIBC) Convention in Seattle, Washington. [READ MORE]

When choir director Amy Fambrough got notice that the cookie dough wasn’t going to be delivered a few days before the first cookie Friday of the 2016 school year, something had to be done. [READ MORE]