Bring Me A Yearbook For Christmas!
(And if you’re playing Santa this year, click here for a letter to help you…)
(And if you’re playing Santa this year, click here for a letter to help you…)
The Timber Creek High School Band will hold a Holiday Concert on Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. The concert will be held in the Timber Creek High School Fine Arts Center.
Two Timber Creek clubs and organizations are utilizing the power of poultry to raise funds this Tuesday. First, theatre boosters will be selling Chick-Fil-A sandwiches at lunches on Dec. 16 for $4 each. This is the last 2014 date for Read more
Monday’s TCTV Announcements are deep.
They’re regular announcements, but contain facts about sloths.
REMINDER: Transcript requests will not be processed during holiday breaks. To guarantee that your transcript request is processed before the Winter break, the request must be received no later than December 16. All transcript requests need to be submitted at Read more
INTERACT is sponsoring a drive to make cards for the patients at Cook Children’s hospital. The club will be creating cards during all lunches on Dec. 15-17. Students can draw pictures, make word puzzles, or write words of encouragement for Read more
Timber Creek High School Theatre Department’s opening night of “West Side Story” set box office records for the group. A packed crowd watched Thursday night’s performance of the musical which has additional shows on Friday and Saturday. Nighttime performances on Read more
The Timber Creek High School Theatre Department’s presentation of “West Side Story” opens Dec. 11, 2014. The show runs from Dec. 11-13 at the Timber Creek High School Fine Arts Center. Students can buy tickets for $10 each, adult prices Read more
Today’s TCTV Announcements are OUT OF THIS WORLD.