Dec. 5 Pep Rally Canceled
A pep rally scheduled for Friday, Dec. 5 at Timber Creek High School has been canceled.
A pep rally scheduled for Friday, Dec. 5 at Timber Creek High School has been canceled.
Timber Creek High School students will have final exams for the first semester on Jan. 21-23, 2015. Above is a detailed breakdown of testing dates, start and end times, and length of each period. Additional details about the final exam Read more
Donate any amount during lunches to the rolling “goat” cart through Dec. 5 to decide which of five Timber Creek High School teachers will kiss a goat during Friday’s pep rally. Students can select to put money towards making Mr. Read more
Click their backs to watch.
Click the disembodied head to see Friday’s Early Release video announcements.
Click the image to watch the video announcements for Wednesday, Nov. 19.
Timber Creek’s Engineering Club, SHPE Jr., will be hosting the 2nd Annual Noche de Ciencias on Friday, Nov. 14. Organizers said they are looking forward parents and students attending to receive valuable information concerning post-secondary education. University of Texas Arlington Read more
Click the image above to see Friday’s TCTV Announcements.
Hope for the Holidays is a service project sponsored by Timber Creek High School’s National Honor Society. It was started many years ago by Mrs. Woolley, former English Teacher, when she worked at Hillwood Middle School, and she brought the Read more